Oath Breakers
Those that fail to obey their oaths to obey the U.S. Constitution are not being loyal to our constitutional federal republic. We demand strict adherence to the original intent of the U.S. Constitution and do everything we can to make sure tyrants are removed from office who continually disobey their oaths. According to the original intent of the U.S. Constitution, only Congress creates law, only the President can execute law, and the U.S. Supreme Court can only hear cases that are within their constitutional jurisdiction. The U.S. Supreme court and not constitutionally create law and Supreme Court Justices are not given lifetime appointments as Congress can remove them at any time for bad behavior! U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham is an example of a disloyal U.S. Senator who has no regard for his oath to obey the U.S. Constitution.
Sold-Out Pastors
A main reason why America has experienced such a tremendous downturn over the years has been due to the increasing number of Pastors that are willing to deceive their flock for a paycheck from the highest bidder. Many evangelical leaders have traded truth for an anti-Christ agenda which is well described in author Megan Basham’s book, Shepherds for Sale. An example of a Sold-Out Pastor is Rick Warren who has used his influence to help the satanic agenda for the New World Order by participating as a member in the Council on Foreign Relations.
New World Order
The plot to destroy America is being done by multiple anti-Christ organizations that are grounded in gnostic principles. One of those groups in South Carolina is Liberty Fellowship which is affiliate of the Aspen Institute. The Aspen Institute is an organization that works against Christianity for the cause of the satanic New World Order system. Many other organizations are part of this same plot, including (but not limited to); the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Lucis (Lucifer) Trust, Freemasonry, and the World Economic Forum.
Illegal Federal Programs
The U.S. Departments of Education, Energy, Housing & Urban Development, Commerce, and Interior should be the first unconstitutional agencies closed. The states never gave constitutional authority for the federal government to create any of these agencies; therefore, Congress has the duty to immediately close all five of the agencies. If they were closed, U.S. taxpayers would save approximately $216 billion per year and we would have approximately 139,000 less federal government employees. Taxpayers would save at least $1 trillion in a 5 year span and, according to free market principles, the economy would naturally be doing much and the middle-class would start growing again.
Federally Funded School Choice
Although we understand why so many Christian Americans desire to get children out of public schools, we understand that the School Choice scheme is simply a trap in order to guide good meaning Americans into placing their children in “private” government-controlled schooling. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is an example of a politicians that has used school choice to lure parents away from genuine homeschooling. All in all, we know how the story went in Sweden when they bribed parents with school choice and only a few years later made genuine homeschooling completely illegal. We will do everything we can to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen in America.
Stolen Elections
The presidential election of 2020 was a stolen election where Americans all over the country became well aware of the organizations who were part of the steal. We are working towards ending the use of electronic voting machines so we can return to a paper ballot system. The first Americans voted at town halls and stood up in front of all of the voters in the building when they voted. The term “stand up man” came from those who would confirm that a citizen was principled enough to vote publicly in front of other voters. As Americans, we need to return to this same attitude of unashamedly voting publicly so that we can put an end to the massive amount of corruption in our elections.